Dear Leo: This month, look oh so deeply within. Look unafraid upon the truths that are revealed in this world of night and shadow. Pull off the mask of human perception and dive into the truth and beauty of your multifaceted, sacred soul - and do not turn away from what is before you.
Take a tour of Becky Etchberger's beautiful and light-filled Williamsburg apartment.
学好英语 · Issue #1 · allenking1028/ss · GitHub:2021-9-19 · 谷歌VM实例系统里面 没有Debian GNU/Linux 8 了 所伡步骤和视频将有所出入!很多人直接使用了默认的debian8 并且使用我的这个伟码会出现 内核卸载出错!!!!跑过来问我的不下100个人了!! 大家可伡改用CentOS6 (就没蓝底那个窗口了)或者 ...
Use the directories below to find Seattle businesses that need your help!
A conversation with Furious Flower Poetry Center Executive Director and Academic Activist, Dr. Joanne Gabbin, about the importance of black poetry and the poems she recommends we read right now.
Dear Cancer: This month, it is vital that you don't forget a very important fact: You wanted to be where you are.
"It made me realize the power and vulnerability involved in sitting in front of a camera and staring directly into the lens and how a collaboration between subject and photographer can become empowering and revolutionary."
ShiShi urges us to ask ourselves the hard questions – and to listen harder to the perspectives of POC.
“Because I’m of the old-fashioned conviction that reading is a pleasure to be carefully guarded at all times.” - Jenny Colgan, The Bookshop on the Corner
Need a good listen for the long weekend? We have you covered!
We asked a few friends to tell us about how more time at home has impacted their daily beauty and skincare regimes. Their answers were surprising, conveniently low-maintenance, and refreshingly honest.
"I was so focused on making choices that would allow me to grow old and have a life that everything else came second. I had to put myself and my health first, which felt radical even while facing a life-threatening disease. It is often expected that women put others before themselves, making decisions based on the good of their partners and families, not necessarily their own needs."
A round-up of thoughts, ideas, actions and (actual) goods to start your week!
怎么能注册购买阿里云日本的机器呢? - V2EX:2021年6月21日 - 如题,cat 家的不能搭酸酸乳,所伡想有什么办法可伡自己注册一个,自己搭建自己用...阿里云国内站直接上东京可用区warcraft1236 2021-06-22 10:41:46 +08...
"I like to remind myself that in our behavior, actions, and the way we treat others, we are constantly telling people who we are and what we want. That sentiment extends to what we wear and how our homes look...I've worked hard to clear my own mental and emotional clutter, and I like to think my space now represents that same thing."
A round-up of thoughts, ideas, actions and (actual) goods to start your week!
"You have broken through the veil and returned again, perhaps not unscathed but very much alive, perhaps not as human but still very much a part of this earth."
"Tune in, help us spread the word on social media, and consider sending an email out to any well-heeled folks you know. I know there's a ton going on right now and I know I'm biased, but this country isn't free without access to abortion, and this is checkmate."
A round-up of thoughts, ideas, actions and (actual) goods to start your week!
A round-up of thoughts, ideas, actions and (actual) goods to start your week!
"For me, learning new skills is a form of self-care. It's helping me cope...Take care of yourself in whatever way you need. Trust your gut, and do what you need to do in order to survive."
"I have always treasured art, music, and literature, but as of late, I am reminded that they are a part of our survival, part of what keeps us mentally and emotionally healthy...these have all become my family’s stability in this time of uncertainty."
关于阿里云搭建相关的问答 - 云栖社区 - 阿里云:搭建 网站 服务搭建 搭建博客 搭建网站 搭建博客 电商平台搭建 网站搭建教程 全部...腾讯云点播上传配置!萌新谢谢路过大佬解答! 阅读全文 阿里云搭建酸酸乳 作者: ...
"Something in us shifts. It’s time to get profound, our subconscious says. It’s time to get out of your own way, the ego is told. Lean into this. Go slow. Speak clearly. Listen with love. Stay open—stay open."
"Be as kind to yourself, your family, your neighbors, and strangers as you can right now. Everyone is moving through this time in their own way. And if you aren’t one already, you can try pretending to be a working artist moving through a rough patch."
The thoughts, ideas, actions and (actual) goods on our radar.
90个长期更新酸酸乳节点 - 流星社区:2021年5月15日 - 分享几个高速的【酸酸乳请换成拼音首字母】 酸酸乳...有没有免费的网站我要搭建 0 0 回复帖子 评论 ...阿里云的。 0 0 回复帖子 评论 一晃就老了。...
We continue to provide simple, intentional ideas from women we love and trust in an effort to keep us all indoors and, ultimately, mentally and physically well.